copy this please ;-tag ini diberikan kepada anda dan followes anda. tag ini lebih kepada MESTI JAWAB DENGAN JUJUR! soalan akan diberi, anda perlu menjawab dengan sejujur jujur nya. terima kasih ^^
apa nama penuh awak ? Mohd Hafidzi Bin Haris @ chacha
anda tinggal dimana ? Rumah kan? ape punye soalan =.="
dalam sebuah rumah anda tinggal bersame ? ibu, org gaji. itu sajeeee, yang laen balik skali skale :O berapa bilik dalam sebuah rumah ? 8 bilik agaknye, KOT 7 bilik air
berapa buah aircond dalam sebuah rumah ? adelah jugak kaaann, jujur ny! xD
di rumah anda mempunyai berapa buah kereta ? 3
jenama kereta apa yang ada dirumah anda ? err. mercedes, satria and harrier :O
rumah sewa atau beli ? beli
berapa harga rumah anda ? adelaaa dlam linkungan rm1-1m :D
kaya kah anda ? saya tak kaye, melainkan bapak Bilgates or Carlos Slim
tag 5 rakan anda:- *Shafeeq Farook (8: *Hardiana Haris *Hafiza Haris *Razlin nyotnyot *Adilah Nasir (:
5 beta 2010, i shall remeber the smiling of the innocent-pervert-hearted members. HAHAHA. be cool ^^ this is the picture of US in this hectic last year. Technically, in this class we have KP, KPRS, pps, pks, bridge ciber and school photograhy members plus normal student, yeah. we have all xD
Teachers said that our class is the most happening but the most lazyness among the upper classes . HAHA. i cant say im not proud :P still got the 'thing' we cant throw off. haiyooo. mcm mane ini . haha. but let just say, we are BETA's . thats what we do xD everybody talk about us, generally, the bad thing about us =.=" tired of complains? follow one of our members trademark. BE COOL :D wth, SPM is coming dude.
*sila click di gamba untuk paparan yang lebih seksi dan hot :)
saya betul betul dilema sekarang ni. haiyoooooo. kumpul duit nk beli xperia, tapi banyak org suruh saya beli cam slr plak. HOHO. kalau pasal cam saya nk beli nikon d90, which is 4k. loooooool. experia 1.4k jea. makan rumput lagi lah saya nanti =.= tapi kalau think back, with that cam i can make a business, haha well. penah laa skali follow kawan buat keje ny. dpt lah sikit duit poket xD apepun, i need u guys, girls, peeps feedback pls :|
what a great tittle. HAHA. its just this, i wont be online-ing to much for a long period of time i guess. mybe a few times in a week like half an hour thats all. bukan apa. i am a SPM candidates. mesti semua faham kan. lagi lagi my mom sudah start membebel. before i get more tension. better i said this first. haiyoooo. bye guys. take care (: ws
*The song up above is nothing to do with the tittle. HEH. just for you to know :|
Yesterday kan kan, yelah kan, there's someone ny kan kan. said that my blog is so cute. HAHAHAHA. itu mmg tidak boleh blah xD who dosent feel proud aight? for sure proud! but but bile dh puji tk bolee la tarik balik kan? berdosa betol tak? hahaha. shes different, after die puji tu die leh marah marah saya plak. pastu die marah org laen puji tau. there are some prove in the picture above ;D. read original, see original. HAHAHA.
* her name is shown on the first picture :P you snooze you loose . HAHAH
Yesterday was awsomee guys. least not much lah. Najib and Fadhil takde. sedih jelaaaa :| but iron man 2 was a really great movie. the fighting, joking, actions! feels like want to join the fight xD we watch in on IMAX. at first i arrive like 10am at pavilion to buy tickets. but sadly every each cinema is full till this monday. freakin reservations. haiyooo. then i went to gsc timesquare with shafeeq and another sad ending is was a looooong que. haih. then i was thinking. IMAX! the largest cinema ever in asia. it cant be book, first come first serve. and guess what. im the first to buy tickets that day :D lucky me. the shows is 3pm. Me, shafeeq, amier and halim went to 10th evenue to fill our stomach and go play bowling for 2 games. shows finish like 5.20pm and follow amier back to pavilion to buy some SLR bags. we headed to Carl's in burger and went home like 8pm (: what a great day.
* OH and sorry yasmin, tulaaa siapa suruh awak segan nak ikut. kan dah tak dapat tgk cte tu. kalau dgn saya nk plak ikot :P tapelah. nanti kita bawak next time (: HAHAHA
at that momment lah korg gila betol, mereng betol, i remember when you guys teach me how to use that thingy xD walk around BB together, watching movie together, usha awek together, bowling together even ade yg semua masuk longkang :D now everything change, again. haduih. semua busy, najib tkboleh keluar dh, SPM. amier time ny masuk Victoria, skrg dh back in SMKPJ. wb bro (: halim slalu busy dgn family, yelah siapa lagi yang boleh tolong mak ayh die jaga kantin slain die en. what a great son :D fadhil? i really dont know what's up to him right now. he dint reply my text, die tak rapat dgn kami skrg. even najib pon die tk rapat dah. pelik laaa. risau gileee :| apepun. hope he'll be fine. heee.
I hope my plan tomorrow works fine, cmon lah guys. u can do it. we still have time to have our momment (; be faithful . oh btw, time ny rambut saya masih ade lagi :| HAHA