*I miss this time so much guys.
at that momment lah korg gila betol, mereng betol, i remember when you guys teach me how to use that thingy xD walk around BB together, watching movie together, usha awek together, bowling together even ade yg semua masuk longkang :D now everything change, again. haduih. semua busy, najib tkboleh keluar dh, SPM. amier time ny masuk Victoria, skrg dh back in SMKPJ. wb bro (: halim slalu busy dgn family, yelah siapa lagi yang boleh tolong mak ayh die jaga kantin slain die en. what a great son :D fadhil? i really dont know what's up to him right now. he dint reply my text, die tak rapat dgn kami skrg. even najib pon die tk rapat dah. pelik laaa. risau gileee :| apepun. hope he'll be fine. heee.
I hope my plan tomorrow works fine, cmon lah guys. u can do it. we still have time to have our momment (; be faithful . oh btw, time ny rambut saya masih ade lagi :| HAHA
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