Yesterday was awsomee guys. least not much lah. Najib and Fadhil takde. sedih jelaaaa :| but iron man 2 was a really great movie. the fighting, joking, actions! feels like want to join the fight xD we watch in on IMAX. at first i arrive like 10am at pavilion to buy tickets. but sadly every each cinema is full till this monday. freakin reservations. haiyooo. then i went to gsc timesquare with shafeeq and another sad ending is was a looooong que. haih. then i was thinking. IMAX! the largest cinema ever in asia. it cant be book, first come first serve. and guess what. im the first to buy tickets that day :D lucky me. the shows is 3pm. Me, shafeeq, amier and halim went to 10th evenue to fill our stomach and go play bowling for 2 games. shows finish like 5.20pm and follow amier back to pavilion to buy some SLR bags. we headed to Carl's in burger and went home like 8pm (: what a great day.
* OH and sorry yasmin, tulaaa siapa suruh awak segan nak ikut. kan dah tak dapat tgk cte tu. kalau dgn saya nk plak ikot :P tapelah. nanti kita bawak next time (: HAHAHA
tak best. pfft