lupe plak nak update. a few weeks ago lah kan. hmph. mybe a month kot? kelas saya ade budak baru. hahaha. namenya Amirul Afiq. die punye characteristic kan, heheh. terbaik ! badan sumpah besar. aku rase. the biggest senior in the school. but junior in my class. HAHAHA. tapi betullah. die besar. akademik taktau. suke gelak kuat kuat. friendly. and yang paling penting. baru masuk seminggu dh pandai ejek org. terutama ejek aku. jimbet punye afiq ! hahah. anyway. he's my friend.
*ignore budak kecik sebelah tu. namenya zahin. the smallest student in my class. HAHA.
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